Girl Power. Sisterhood. Womanhood. Third Wave Feminism. Womanism. Lean In. #BlackGirlMagic #BlackGirlsRock #SquadGoals. #SquadCare. Girl Boss.
Over the years and with every new generation, we as women have constructed cultural phrases that elicit an almost innate response of engagement and fellowship amongst each other.
But unfortunately, media has given us this false assumption that we can only be the catty, super-competitive and often combative adversaries displayed prominently in our favorite junk food reality shows, creating this invisible electric fence between marrieds vs. singles, black vs. white women, straight vs. LGTBQ, Millennials vs. baby boomers, etc.
Luckily, when we step away from our electronic devices, we can engage altruistic local organizations such as the internationally recognized confidence-building juggernaut Suits, Stilettos, and Lipstick (SSL) that strives to recruit and empower successful and ambitious women of “all walks of life, experiences, faiths, ethnicities, and ages” to create “a sisterhood of women who are committed to living a healthier, happier, more balanced and purposeful life.”
Founded in 2012 by former Broward County educator and current CIO Dr. Elizabeth King, SSL has crafted its reputation under the premise of a more holistic approach to female empowerment and fellowship for high-power woman professionals, pushing past the petty squabbling that notoriously pits each ambitious colleague against each other.
This year’s theme for the Sixth Annual Empowerment & Leadership Conference is “OWN IT” – a rallying cry for conference participants to adopt all their qualities that adhere to the organization’s SASSY acronym (Smart, Assertive, Strategic, Selfless and Young-at Heart).
SSL sculpted an impressive roster of keynote speakers for its conference which will be held at the Westin Fort Lauderdale Beach Resort – BlackTechWeek Founder and Entrepreneur Superstar Ms. Felecia Hatcher, Jamaican-born HBO “Ballers” Star Miss Stacy Ann Rose, Travelhost Magazine Owner Miss Ina Lee and SSL’s Own Dr. Elizabeth King.
With such dynamically talented and successful women such as these, female and male attendees can only expect to gain inspiring yet practical tools with empathetic support to make them their best selves this year.
Suit Up, Ladies (and “Smart” Gentlemen): The Sixth Annual Suits, Stilettos, and Lipstick Empowerment & Leadership Conference Descends To Fort Lauderdale August 25-26