Pascale Obolo Curates Musée L’Ont Leux

During the rein, the collective Afrikadaa offers a museum of fiction. Speculative museum, under lab form that invites to reevaluate or reconsider other cosmic spaces or museums forms come.
Afrikadaa imagine a conceptual and fictitious museum whose function is to provide a proliferation of stories of the decolonized art where several fragments of stories collide or questioning the boundaries between reality and fiction, to highlight the im-thought. Fiction helps to re-invent but also to highlight the in-visible.
Anxious to expose his ideas, new editorial practices of Afrikadaa align with the philosophy to create, redefine, what the philosopher Valentin Mudimbe called Resume. So take his story in “colonial library” or museums would simply rewrite from oneself in order to make it succeed in this imaginary museum redesigned by the collective.
Afrikadaa offers the story of an imaginary museum in the fictional form of a temporary museum or see virtual coexist several divergent visions and stories offered during performative interventions and ephemeral works worn by artists, thinkers, dramatists guests at this white card Afrikadaa.


The citizen speaks again confiscated by the museums.
Curator: Pascale Obolo

Friday, June 10, 2016 / 11H to 21h

11H – “Performed the words” by the collective Afrikadaa
11H- “The museum fictionalized by short statues” by Pascale Obolo (video)
14.30- “Exposing the invisible” choreographic performance that questions the place and identity of the guards in museums. Offered by dancers: Axel, Nach, Karnage, (live)
16H – Expose translation / translate the exhibition with the intervention of Abigail Celis / (talk)
5:30 p.m. – “Exposing the ephemeral” proposal ephemeral works by the artist Jayone (live)
19H – “The museum of all the world”: with a proposal for the artist Julien Creuzet
Archipelago Opera performance with Julien and Pierre Creuzet Lecan (live)
– “Infinite Scroll, from September to December” (video loop) artist Julien Creuzet
20H – “The gaseous institution: the institution Performer” by Olivier Marbeoeuf (live)

Saturday, June 11, 2016 / 11:30 21H

performative Museum:
13H30- “Exposing the invisible” choreographic performance that questions the place and identity of the guards in museums. Offered by the dancer, Karnage, (live)
19H-Museum have them muzzled (fictional Creole, translation: The Muselons)
De-construction of the colonial museum by the performance of collective Afrikadaa. This intervention will be presented as a manifesto performed entitled “Museum have them” (fictional Creole, translation: The Muselons) / with artists Bams, Patrick Fondjo, Jephthah Carmil, Alain Dukzam (live)
20H- “The ultrascores” of the musician Chassol (video)

Sunday, June 12, 2016 / 11:30 21H

11:30 -Performance “BECA– USE” Sean Hart (live)
17H – Focus on African contemporary art collection of the Centre Pompidou by Marc Johnson (talk)
17H 45 – Performance: The body in the museum and the museum in the body: Ex-Fabiana Souza / Yure Romão (live)
18H -Performance video with the musician and artist Dinah Douieb filmic object “wandering carnival” (live music)
19H – Africa Remix: conversation with curator Simon Njami and Hafida Jemni (talk)

Monday, June 13 / 17H 30 to 21H
5:30 p.m. – Performance “Hunter- gatherer” of the artist Kai Lossgott (live)
18H – Performance / Discussion hands on exhibition “Museum Precious Cargo” with Cheryl Ann Bolden.
6:30 p.m. – Story Museum of Black Civilization by Malick Ndiaye (talk)
7:30 p.m. – “Utopia of a museum without objects’ performance Françoise Verges (live)

List of participants:
Jayone Julien Creuzet Pierre Lecann Pascale Obolo, Françoise Verges, Olivier Marboeuf, Sean Hart, Nach, Axel, Karnage, Chassol, Dinah Douieb, Marc Johnson, Fabianna Souza, Yure Romão, Bams, Patrick Fondjo, Jephthah Carmil, Alain Dukzam Malick Ndiaye, Hafida Jemni Kai Lossgott, Camille Moulonguet, Abigail Celis, Cheryl Ann Bolden, Alecio De Andrade.

Reserve your spot here.

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